Found under: Settings > CCLI

CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International)

This is a company that administers copyright permissions for churches depending on the licence they purchase.  As a requirement of this licence, users are required to submit a record of songs that have been projected, copied, printed, etc.   Whilst OpenSongApp does not allow the automatic submission of songs to CCLI, it can keep a record of song activities to help you complete your return.

If record usage stats automatically is switched on, the app will keep a note of every song that is displayed to the screen, added to a set, duplicated, created, deleted and projected.  

If you project songs (casting) using OpenSongApp, you should make sure to set up the church name and licence number here as these are required to be displayed on projected lyrics.


The log can be viewed in the app, or shared as an xml file of csv file.  When the app has kept a record of CCLI usage, it can manually be found in your OpenSong storage location as follows: ../OpenSong/Settings/ActivityLog.xml

To reset the stored log, click 'Delete'

The CCLI log file records a usage action as a number.  The numbers are as follows: