Found under: Settings > Display > Margins
By default OpenSongApp will try to run in 'immersive mode'. This is often referred to as 'edge-to-edge' display, meaning it will try to use all available screen space, whilst minimising the space taken up by system bars and navigation gesture spaces. Switching off immersive mode will leave the status bar and navigation bar (if used on your device) visible while running the app.
If your device uses on-screen navigation or gesture options at the bottom or sides of the screen, the app will automatically try to leave space for these (see the white bar at the bottom of the screenshot here). This is automatically done for devices running Android R/11 or later. For Android S/12 this also includes rounded corners. You can turn this off and allow the app to automatically show/hide the navigation bar as required.
If your screen has cutouts (sometimes referred to as 'notches') for camera lenses, etc. the app will try to respect these. Often this means in portrait mode, the status bar displays at the top (where the notches are likely to be located), and the rest of the app content displays beneath this. You can, however, ask the app to pretend the notches don't exists and use this space for song display. Please be aware that this may stop you being able to click on the song menu or settings button in the action bar. You can, however, adjust the margins a little to help if this is the case. If you can't access the settings menu to revert this, you may have to clear the app cache/reinstall.
If you are running an older device with rounded corners, these will not be detected automatically. Some apps apply a default padding around content to avoid issues with these devices, however, in an attempt to maximise the area available to song display, these margins in OpenSongApp are set by default to 0 px. You can, however, manually change margins for song/menu content by adjust the sliders in the margin settings page. Use the border as a guide to make sure that you can see everything. You can also tell the app not to ignore rounded corners if they exist.
You can override the automatically detected side or bottom margins and additionally increase the margins manually.
If your device does not have rounded corners, the option to ignore rounded corners will be hidden as it won't do anything.
If your device does not have notches/display cutouts, the option to ignore cutouts will be hidden as it won't do anything.