
Found under: Settings > Song actions > Autoscroll

Autoscroll settings for song shown by long pressing on the autoscroll page button
Autoscroll progress information bar and autoscroll and increase/decrease scroll speed page buttons

When displaying a song in performance or stage mode, the app can be set to automatically scroll the song view over a set period of time.

Each song can have its own autoscroll settings: song duration and pre-delay.  If these are not set for a song, you can tell the app to automatically use the default settings or prompt you to enter the values before proceeding.

Autoscroll is normally controlled using a page button or foot pedal, but this can also be from a custom gesture or receiving an instruction from a connected device.

Autoscrolling will stop if the song is already fully visible or has finished scrolling to the bottom.

You can pause autoscrolling using page buttons or clicking on the autoscroll icon in the progress bar.

You can also increase/decrease the autoscroll speed using additional page buttons that scale the speed by 25% on repeated presses.

Autoscroll settings can be found at Settings > Song actions > Autoscroll.  The settings are split into default app wide preferences and specific song preferences.


Current song

Autoscroll settings showing default and song settings

Inline pause

You are able to pause autoscrolling using a custom action (page button, gesture, foot pedal), but you can also add inline pause points in your songs.  When the app autoscrolls your song, it will try to detect when the inline pause command has appeared on screen and will pause for this time before continuing.

To add an inline pause point in your song, while editing the song, add a new comment line in the format


;D: indicates an inline delay.  The number after the ;D: is the time in seconds that the pause should last for.  This is added to the total song duration.  In the above example, the app will pause for 5 seconds when this line is shown on screen during autoscrolling.  If the inline pause is already visible, it will be triggered immediately after any song predelay scroll time.

Due to the way the position of the inline pause is calculated and that headings and chord lines can be scaled and section spaces can be trimmed, etc. the position may not always be totally accurate, so you may have to adjust it slightly based on your settings.