Song menu

Found under: Menu > Songs

The song menu allows you to quick navigate your existing songs and perform song actions such as adding songs to sets and importing/exporting songs.

Clicking on any song in the list will load it.

At the top of the song menu, you will see the current app version/release and tabs to switch between the song and Set menu.  Clicking on these tabs will remember your last choice when you next open the menu.

You then have several song list filters available to you.  Switching on a filter will then provide you with either a text box to enter text into, or a dropdown list to select a value from.  The following filters all work together, allowing the ability to quickly narrow down your search:

The values searched for in songs can be adjusted by Editing the songs.

Please note that PDF or image songs can only be searched if you've added text to the song database for these files.  You can ask OpenSongApp to try to extract PDF content to help with searching. 

You can adjust settings for the song menu in the Menu settings page.  This allows you to show/hide the alphabetical song index, adjust the size of the index and enable two level indexing the text size of the index and showing/hiding the  quick 'add to set' checkboxes.  By default songs in the song list are sorted by song titles.  You can change this to filenames on the settings page too.

Long pressing on any song in the song list , or clicking on the + button at the bottom of the menu will bring up song actions available to you.  These options are also available by opening the main settings and then selecting 'Song actions'.   Options available are:

Current Song (the song that is currently displayed/loaded)

Other options