Available commands
The commands available for page buttons, foot pedals, custom gestures and hot zones are shown below. Please note that these are only available when using Performance or Stage Mode.
When triggering these actions using the page buttons, the long press action is also available (when it has a feature set below). Foot pedals can choose any short or long press action and screen gestures and hot zones can have a separate function assignable to double tapping or long pressing on the screen instead.
Set Actions
Current set
Short press/tap: Show or hide the current set list. This opens/closes the set menu from the left of the screen.
Long press: No action
Inline set
Short press/tap: Show or hide the inline set list (if the current set is not empty)
Long press: Inline set settings page where you can adjust the width.
Add current song to set
Short press/tap: Add the currently loaded song to the end of the current set
Long press: Add the currently loaded song to the end of the current set as a variation
Short press/tap: Share a set
Long press: Manage sets
Song Features / Actions
Short press/tap: Start or stop the pad for the current song
Long press: Adjust the pad settings
Short press/tap: Start or stop the metronome for the current song (will open the settings if this hasn't been set)
Long press: Adjust the metronome settings
Short press/tap: Start or stop the autoscroll for the current song (will open the settings if this hasn't been set)
Long press: Adjust the autoscroll settings
Increase autoscroll speed
Short press/tap: Increase the autoscroll speed by 25%
Long press: No action
Pause autoscroll
Short press/tap: Pause the autoscroll
Long press: No action
Edit song
Short press/tap: Open the song edit window
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open the song export window (to share the current song)
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open the online song import window (for UG, SongSelect, etc)
Long press: Open the import/create new song options.
Song Navigation
Show songs
Short press/tap: Open the song menu to allow finding/filtering songs
Long press: Open the import/create new song options.
Scroll down
Short press/tap: Scroll down (if song is taller than the screen). In stage mode, this moves to the next section
Long press: No action
Scroll up
Short press/tap: Scroll up (if song is taller than the screen). In stage mode, this moves to the previous section
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Next song
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Previous song
Long press: No action
Choose random song
Short press/tap: If you are currently viewing a song in a set, this will select a random song from your set. Otherwise, it will select a random song from the currently shown list of songs in the song menu (based on filter choices)
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open the transpose window for the current song
Long press: Transpose and chord settings
Chord fingering
Short press/tap: Show/hide the chord fingering for this song
Long press: Edit custom chord fingering diagrams for this song
Song information
Short press/tap: Show the links set for this song
Long press: No action
Song sticky notes
Short press/tap: Show the sticky notes for the song as a popup window
Long press: Edit the sticky notes for the current song
Short press/tap: Show/hide the highlighter notes (if they exist)
Long press: Edit the highlighter notes for the current song
Music score
Short press/tap: Show/hide the abc music score (if they exist) as a popup window
Long press: Edit the music score for the current song
Display and preference
Short press/tap: Open the profile menu (to load/save profiles)
Long press: No action
Show chords
Short press/tap: Show/hide the chords in the song
Long press: No action
Show capo chords
Short press/tap: Alternate between native chords, capo chords, or both. If the song does not have a capo set, this will not do anything
Long press: No action
Show lyrics
Short press/tap: Show/hide the lyrics for the current song
Long press: No action
Change theme
Short press/tap: Open the theme chooser window
Long press: No action
Toggle hide curly bracket text (for secondary display)
Short press/tap: Show/hide the text inside curly brackets
Long press: No action
Toggle hide curly bracket text (device)
Short press/tap: Show/hide the text inside curly brackets on the device (and connected display when in Performance mode)
Long press: No action
Toggle autoscale
Short press/tap: Reset pinch zoom and alternate between full or width autoscale. If a song is displaying multiple columns, no change to the autoscale style will occur
Long press: Open the autoscale settings
Select page
Short press/tap: If the song is a PDF document, this allows selecting a specific page
Long press: No action
Invert PDF page
Short press/tap: Toggle the PDF display as inverted (black background and white text) to help match the current theme.
Long press: No action
Change fonts
Short press/tap: Change the font for displaying songs
Long press: No action
Controls / connections
Short press/tap: If you have switched on Nearby settings and are acting as a client, this will trigger device discovery (look for devices that are advertising)
Long press: Open the nearby connection settings
Short press/tap: Open the custom gestures settings
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open the page buttons settings
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Send any MIDI messages to connected MIDI devices
Long press: Open the MIDI settings
Short press/tap: Open the BeatBuddy song commands
Long press: No action
BeatBuddy Start
Short press/tap: Start the BeatBuddy on the current settings
Long press: Stop
BeatBuddy Stop
Short press/tap: Stop the BeatBuddy
Long press: No action
BeatBuddy Pause
Short press/tap: Toggle the BeatBuddy pause status
Long press: No action
BeatBuddy Accent
Short press/tap: Play an accent
Long press: Play a drum fill
BeatBuddy Fill
Short press/tap: Play a drum fill
Long press: Play an accent
BeatBuddy Transition 1
Short press/tap: Start transition 1
Long press: Exit the transition and start the next section
BeatBuddy Transition 2
Short press/tap: Start transition 2
Long press: Exit the transition and start the next section
BeatBuddy Transition 3
Short press/tap: Start transition 3
Long press: Exit the transition and start the next section
BeatBuddy Transition Next
Short press/tap: Start the next transition in the sequence
Long press: Exit the transition and start the next section
BeatBuddy Transition Exit
Short press/tap: Exit the transition and start the next section
Long press: No action
BeatBuddy Half time
Short press/tap: Switch to half time
Long press: Exit half time
BeatBuddy Half time exit
Short press/tap: Exit half time
Long press: No action
BeatBuddy Double time
Short press/tap: Switch to double time
Long press: Exit double time
BeatBuddy Double time exit
Short press/tap: Exit double time
Long press: No action
MIDI action 1
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 1 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 2
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 2 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 3
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 3 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 4
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 4 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 5
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 5 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 6
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 6 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 7
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 7 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
MIDI action 8
Short press/tap: Send the MIDI code assigned to action 8 (customisable via the MIDI settings)
Long press: No action
Sound level meter
Short press/tap: Open the sound level meter window
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open the instrument tuner window
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Open bible verse custom slide editor
Long press: No action
Short press/tap: Trigger the app close action
Long press: No action