Found under: Settings > Display > Menu settings
You can adjust the song menu display as follows:
Scale the menu item title/filename size (doesn't not affect the set menu)
Scale the song menu author size (not shown in the set menu)
Scale the folder/filename size (does not affect the set menu)
Show set checkboxes: Songs that are part of the current set show a ticked checkbox. Clicking on the checkboxes will add or remove songs from the set list.
Sort by filename / title: Normally OpenSong songs have the same filename and title and this will make no difference, however, if you use different titles. E.g. a file name may be '10,000 Reasons', but the title may be 'Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)'. You can tell the app to sort songs alphabetically by their filename or title depending on what you normally use.
Alphabetical song index: To help you quickly find songs, you can show (or hide) and alphabetical side index A-Z or 0,1,2-Z).
Two character alphabetical index: By default this is aways a single character, however, with this option you can click on the index, e.g. L and it will then change to an index. with two characters under L, e.g. L', LA, LE, etc. Clicking on the two character option will take you to that position in the song list and switch back to a single character index.
You can adjust the size of the alphabetical list text using the size option.
Large popups: Drop-down menus by default are set to large display (taking up as much space as they can), however, if you'd prefer less obtrusive drop-down menus that show approximately 4-5 items in a scrollable window, switch this off!
Part of the song menu showing the alphabetical index on the left (which is scrollable), the song title (or filename), author and folder/filename location of the song. You can also see the 'Set item' checkboxes to the right indicating that the top song in the list is part of the current set.
Single character index with songs listed from 'L'
Two character index after clicking on 'L'
Large popup from drop-down font menu
Small popup from drop-down font menu