Custom chords
Found under: Settings > Song actions > Chords > Custom chords
OpenSongApp contains a database of the most common chord shapes and will automatically generate chord fingering diagrams for chords it finds in your song. The app won't recognise 'slash' chords (chords with different bass notes) and will simply show the basic chord.
An example of recognised chord version of 'A' is A[maj7, 7, 6, 2, 9, add9, m, m7, m6, sus, dim, m7b5, aug]. These are available for all 12 notes of the scales and all 7 instruments giving a database with over 1000 chord fingerings!
If you want to add a custom chord fingering diagram for a song (only saved to this song), you can choose from guitar, ukulele, banjo 4/5, cavaquinho, mandolin and piano/keys for the diagram.
To add a chord, first choose the instrument that you want to generate the chord fingering diagram for.
Next click on the [+] button to create a new custom chord. You will then be prompted for a name. Please note that you cannot enter a common chord name that is already in the database. If you want to include a modified version of a standard chord, append a character such as * to the end of the chord name (e.g. G*).
Click on the various parts of the chord diagram to modify the diagram. Once you are done, click on the [Save] button. The text shown under the 'Custom code' will be saved to your song file. This text contains the information OpenSongApp will need to draw your chord.
For stringed instruments, the options are:
Clicking at the top of the string will toggle between mute (x) and open (o).
Clicking on the fret number (defaults to 1) will cycle through frets 1 to 11.
Clicking on a string's fret will set a fingering position
For the piano/keyboard clicking on a note will toggle it on or off.
To edit an existing custom chord saved with a song, select the appropriate instrument, then chord name and adjust the fingering as desired. Click on 'Save' to commit the changes.
To remove an existing custom chord saved with a song, click on the trash icon next to the selected Chord name.
Any custom chords saved with a song will be added to the bottom of the chord fingering page
You can preview how a chord sounds by clicking on the [Listen] button.