Import online song
Found under: Settings > Song actions > Add songs > Online
Rather than having to create all of your songs manually, you can import them from various online sources.
OpenSongApp is currently compatible with the following websites: Ultimate Guitar, Chordie, Song Select, Worship Together, UkuTabs, HolyChords, eChords and La boîte à chansons. It can also be used to search any site (via Google) using code from Paul Evans and also the ability to highlight and copy the required content should the app not detect a chord sheet automatically.
The Google search method will not pull in meta data as well as specific source searches. If you know you want to download content from a specific site listed above, use that website as your source.
Some of these websites require a subscription to access all of the songs. OpenSongApp is not affiliated with any of these sites and simply uses a web browser to look for downloadable content. For text based songs, the app scans the web page for content that looks like a song and then tries to copy and paste it. For subscription services such as SongSelect it simply triggers the download action and then tries to extract text from any PDF files the website downloads to your device.
Using subscription services such as SongSelect within OpenSongApp requires you to log in to that service and downloads will count against your account as they would from any web browser. You cannot use SongSelect with the Google search method.
To search for a song, enter the search phrase (normally the song title) and select the appropriate online source to search. Click on the search button to begin the search.
The app will then display the website in a new window. You may need to log in (if required) and click on the appropriate links until you can see the required song.
When the app has detected a song, you will see the download icon at the top of the screen. If this doesn't automatically appear, you can press the search button to force the app to check again.
Please note that if you are using SongSelect, you must instead use the download action from within the SongSelect website - OpenSongApp will then download the file and attempt to convert it to an OpenSong formatted song. PDF files downloaded from SongSelect are also saved to your song folder. ChordPro or text files are automatically converted. Any downloaded files are first saved into the OpenSong/Imported folder before copying/converting to your OpenSong/Songs folder.
Often websites change their formatting and this sometimes causes problems for OpenSongApp. Let me know if this is the case!
If the app does not automatically detect a chord sheet, you can also use the Select and paste method.
To do this, highlight the text you require on the webpage. Android will then show the clipboard controls and you should click on the Copy button. This will copy the song content to your clipboard and trigger the creation of a new song.
This method will not include song meta data such as author, title, etc. so you will need to enter that information manually on the Edit song page once you have saved it.
Download issues to be aware of
When using some sites, you may have a message that appears to login or accept cookies before continuing. On Ultimate guitar, the cookie message obstructs the song list until you accept or dismiss it.
When using Ultimate guitar, make sure that you only choose 'Chord' downloads. Pro options are not readable by OpenSongApp
When using SongSelect, make sure you are viewing the 'Chords' output. Lyrics and sheet music often doesn't work. You can always manually download the PDF using your web browser and manually import the PDF file using the import file option.