Export set

Found under: Settings > Manage your sets > Export

Sets can be shared with other users using the export function.  

You can also have the option of including copies of the song files in the set in your export.  This can be songs in their original file format (OpenSong, PDF or images), but any songs that are correctly formatted OpenSong files can also be converted to PDF, Image, Screenshot (what you would see on the song display screen), OnSong, ChordPro and text files for compatibility with other operating systems and apps.

You can only export sets that have been saved - current sets need to exist as saved files before they can be selected.  Also, due to the app trying to process songs during this export process, you will also need to wait until the app has fully indexed your Songs folder before proceeding.

Choose the appropriate set using the Category dropdown menu and select the set by clicking on it.  The name of the selected set will be shown under the Set item/items selected text near the top of the screen .  Clicking on the 'Export' button will proceed to your export format choices.

You can find out more about set categories in the Save sets page

Export set options

Complete set packages

When choosing to export a complete set package you do not have to manually include the separate set or song files shown.

Set list files

Setlist files do not include songs, but instead contain information about the song location, expected key, etc.  This requires other users to have their own copies of songs.   You can export the setlist in various formats such as PDF, OpenSongApp set (.osts), OpenSong set (for use with the desktop version of OpenSong,  text file or an image file

Song files

You can also export additional files for the songs referenced in the set.  If you do not want separate song files to be included with your export, you can switch off the option to Include songs identified in the set.

Selecting the Songs in their current format will include all OpenSong formatted songs and any songs that are actually PDF or image files.

If you have OpenSong formatted songs in your set, you can also export these as various other formats such as PDF, Images, Screenshots, OpenSongApp songs (.ost), JustChord songs (.justchords), OnSong songs (.onsong), ChordPro (.cho) and Text files (.txt).  If you also specify the Merged text file option, all songs will be exported as a single text file.

Export settings

When you choose how to share your exported file(s), by default it will also include a text summary of the set.   This can be useful when sharing by email.  Some apps, however, don't like this summary text and struggle to deal with the additional files.  If you find this happening, you can switch off the Text as message content option.

When sharing OpenSong formatted songs or sets as PDF files or when choosing to Print the set, you can specify the theme to use in the PDF output.  By default, this is a black and white output.  You can, however, choose one of your own themes instead.  The fonts that you have specified in the Fonts page are also used in the output.

Additionally you can also set a maximum font size for your PDF/Print output and also force each song to fit on a single page.

Depending on which options are checked, the 'Print' and 'Share' buttons will give different outputs.  You can choose as many or few formats as you wish.  During export preparation, files are created (other than existing Desktop compatible files) in the OpenSong/Export/ folder.  This is cleared when you leave the export set page.

