VoiceLive Settings

Found under: Settings > Utilities > TC Helicon VoiceLive

If you own a TC Helicon VoiceLive pedal such as the VoiceLive Extreme 3, it is possible to have OpenSongApp help you control it in a live setting.

Often musicians will use a guitar plugged into the pedal to control the harmony scale for vocal effects, but it is possible to have the app send the key directly to the pedal so that vocalists can set the key without needing to plug in an additional instrument.  To do this you should match the preferred MIDI channel of the TC Helicon VoiceLive pedal with what you have set your pedal to use.  You should then switch on the option for 'Automatic voice key'.

You can set your app global preference for the harmony scale to use for major/minor keys, but you can override this for each song by simply entering the text 'MAJ1', 'MAJ2', 'MAJ3', 'MIN1', 'MIN2' or 'MIN3' into one of the user fields in the edit song page.

If you save MIDI shorthand messages for your song that are specific to the VoiceLive (i.e. the code starts with MIDIX:VL.....) you can have the app override the MIDI channel set in the shorthand message to use the MIDI channel set on this page.  This can be useful if you want to change your VoiceLive MIDI channel and don't want to have to update every song's MIDI messages individually.

Harmony scales

The differences between the harmony scales can be shown below:

MIDI Shorthand for VoiceLive

MIDI shorthand messages always start with the text 'MIDI{1-16}:' then the shorthand code for the device.  For the VoiceLive pedal vocal effects begin with VLV,  guitar effects begin with VLG, presets begin with VLP and steps begin with VLS.  The full list of shorthand MIDI code used in the app is listed below:

Guitar effects

VLGR = Rhythmic effect on

VLGRX = Rhythmic effect off

VLGC = Compressor on

VLGCX = Compressor off

VLGM = Modulation on

VLGMX = Modulation off

VLGO = Octaver on

VLGOX = Octaver off

VLGW = Wah on

VLGWX = Wah off

VLGA = Amp simulator on

VLGAX = Amp simulator off

VLGB = Boost on

VLGBX = Boost off

VLGRV = Reverb on

VLGRVX = Reverb off

VLGD = Delay on

VLGDX = Delay off

VLGHIT = Hit on

VLGHITX = Hit off

Vocal effects

VLVH = Harmony on

VLVHX = Harmony off

VLVHK{A,A#,Bb,B,C,C#,Db,D,D#,Eb,E,F,F#,Gb,G,G#,Ab} = Harmony key (root note)

VLVHS{MAJ1,MAJ2,MAJ3,MIN1,MIN2,MIN3,CUST} = Harmony scale 

VLVHVB = Harmony vibrato boost on

VLVHVBX = Harmony vibrato boost off

VLVHH = Harmony hold on

VLVHH = Harmony hold off

VLVV = Vocoder / Synth on

VLVVX = Vocoder / Synth off

VLVR = Rhythmic on

VLVRX = Rhythmic off

VLVDB = Double on

VLVDBX = Double off

VLVHT = Hard tune on

VLVHTX = Hard tune off

VLVM = Modulation on

VLVMX = Modulation off

VLVCH = Choir on

VLVCHX = Choir off

VLVRV = Reverb on

VLVRVX = Reverb off

VLVD = Delay on

VLVDX = Delay off

VLVHIT = Hit on

VLVHITX = Hit off

Song changes and output

VLP{1-500} = Preset

VLS{1-32} = Step

VLNX = All MIDI notes off

For example, if you wanted to set the VoiceLive to preset 50 and switch off the vocal harmony and set the song key to Am with the MIN2 harmony all on MIDI channel 16, you would add the following shorthand code to the song MIDI messages: