Backup OpenSongApp songs
Found under: Settings > Song actions > Backup
One of the most important things to remember in OpenSongApp is to back up your data! You will be prompted after using the app 10 times to create a backup of your songs. You can ignore this warning, however, if something goes wrong, you may lose your songs. Please backup your songs regularly! If you lose songs and haven't made a backup - I cannot help you, or be blamed!
You can access the backup option using the menu option above, or by clicking on the boot up backup warning, or by clicking on one of your folders on the storage overview page.
The app will create a backup name based on the current date (OpenSongAppBackup_YYYY_MM_DD.osb), although you can change this to something more memorable if you wish. V6 onwards allows you to include your persistent database (used for non-OpenSong songs such as PDF files, etc.) and also any highlighter notes. Please note that if you include these in the backup, older versions of OpenSongApp will not import these items correctly and you may have to manually move them to the correct folder.
From the backup screen, select the song folders that you wish to backup and then click on the Export button at the bottom of the screen. The app will then begin creating a backup file. Once it has been created it will be saved in your OpenSong/Backups folder and the app will then give you the option of sharing this file via an app chooser (options will depend on the apps installed on your device). The recommended options are sharing via email or Google Drive.
OpenSongApp backup files end with the file extensions .osb, however, they are actually just .zip files with a custom extension so the Android app recognises the file. You can browse the file contents on any computer by renaming the extension to .zip.